
Cool projects I've worked on and the link to code on Github

Amazon Clone Web App

Leveraged ReactJs to develop a fully functional e-commerce app with an user interface and work flow almost identical to Amazon, enabling credit card payments with Stripe API. Leveraged Firebase for user authentication, data and file storage, and hosting. Hosted with checkout disabled click here

Obstacle Detector and Classifier App Yolov4

Leveraged a Tensorflow Yolov4 obstacle detection model to develope a mobile app that can detect household objects in camera stream and classify them.

Blog Management API

Created an API in node.js and express for a blog that allows authenticated users to perform CRUD operations on posts they created. Leveraged passport and json web token for secure token based authentication, mongoose and mongoDB for database modeling and data storage, bcrypt for password hashing and salting, and for deployment. Dockerized for easy setup.

Uber Clone App

Developed an Uber-like taxi booking app with flutter, firebase for authentication and real-time database and Googlemaps API

Book Management API

Developed a book management api for CRUD operations on books, authors and publications. Leveraged Node.js, Express and Nodemon.

Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Got bored and built a tic-tac-toe game. Enjoy!